Chicago Photo Booth Company

Our Photo Booth service is unique in which the booth itself is a true Arcade photo booth cabinet (manufactured by an actual Photo Booth company) so it is a Heavy Duty metal structure that your guests actually go into (rather than just a home built structure as most photo booths are, having a portable camera on a tripod in the booth and a laptop and printer on an adjacent table). However if you are looking for a larger, party booth style (to accommodate up to 10 guests), our booth is also able to be set up with a custom 5'x 5' canopy surround, but still allowing the use of the main structure of the booth delivering the best of both worlds. Plus we also offer the newest style, which is an open air Photo Booth as well.
The electronics in our photo booth are fully integrated including a built in camera, built in flash and built in dye stub printer (which is a professional photo printer, not a desktop printer) that produces 2 duplicate photo strips in 7 seconds (in the booth) allowing your guests pick them up from the picture slot on the booth itself. Your guests will be able to choose either color or black and white photos using a 20" touch screen monitor built into the booth. The booth takes 4 photos printed on a 2x6 photo strip. Your guests will get a copy to keep and a duplicate copy is also printed so our Photo Booth Attendant can help your guests create a take home scrapbook of the photos for you to keep. You will also receive a digital copy of all photos taken by your guests. Our package comes with a scrapbook, props for your guests to use, a copy of all of the digital files after the wedding and a friendly Photo Booth attendant to help out as well. Since our booths are true Photo Booth systems (not built from an on-line kit), we can also provide an additional unique service, which is In-Booth Video Messaging (where your guests can leave you a 30 second video message after taking their photos).
The electronics in our photo booth are fully integrated including a built in camera, built in flash and built in dye stub printer (which is a professional photo printer, not a desktop printer) that produces 2 duplicate photo strips in 7 seconds (in the booth) allowing your guests pick them up from the picture slot on the booth itself. Your guests will be able to choose either color or black and white photos using a 20" touch screen monitor built into the booth. The booth takes 4 photos printed on a 2x6 photo strip. Your guests will get a copy to keep and a duplicate copy is also printed so our Photo Booth Attendant can help your guests create a take home scrapbook of the photos for you to keep. You will also receive a digital copy of all photos taken by your guests. Our package comes with a scrapbook, props for your guests to use, a copy of all of the digital files after the wedding and a friendly Photo Booth attendant to help out as well. Since our booths are true Photo Booth systems (not built from an on-line kit), we can also provide an additional unique service, which is In-Booth Video Messaging (where your guests can leave you a 30 second video message after taking their photos).